WICEN (Vic.) Inc.

Committee of Management 20-11-2000


  1. Meeting open. 2030hrs.

  2. Attendance. 3BAF,3JM, 3KPU, 3XMU, 3XDE, 3FGC (conference hook up)

  3. Minutes last meeing. Moved 3BAF/3XMU. Carried.

  4. Matters Arising.
    2 Corrections:

  5. Correspondence Inwards:

  6. Correspondence Outwards: Correspondence be accepted 3BAF/3JM Carried.

  7. Treasurers report: Moved for acceptance 3JM/3XDE Carried

  8. Data. No formal report submitted.

  9. Radio. As per accepted report to SC meeting.

  10. Publications. No report submitted.

  11. Membership. As per accepted report to SC meeting.

  12. Training. As per accepted report to SC meeting.

  13. General Business.
    1. Authorisation granted to RCO’s and DCO’s for funding of end of year Xmas break up to the value of $10 per head. Sec to advise via the news letter. Moved 3JM/3BAF Carried.
    2. 3JM to arrange assesment and quotation of refurbishing work to get our trailers roadworthy. 3XDE/3XMU, Carried
    3. 3JM to pursue alternate insurance cover in view of rising costs of current insurer. 3BAF/3JM, Carried
    4. Matters arising from Nov. SC meeting:
      1. Geelong Police Station antenna system denied, because of the following, system would require Radiation Survey, Professional installation, and antenna would remain Police property.
      2. Draft of Gen. Log book accepted approved by COM and passed to Publications group for issue.
      3. Status of 2M/70cm. Port. Rep.- these were an infield replacement and no further repeaters are planned at this point- 4 replacements have been accomplished.
      4. John Patterson to be contacted asap for a full Recom report. The Sec. Advised that J.P had given his apologies long prior to the SC meeting. Graeme had been advised of the situation because of his agenda item. However if the report is still bogged down the COM to make direct contact with Red Cross and make it’s own report.
      5. State training coordinators Sitrep report passed to the Publications group for approval. Results to be available next COM (Dec.)
      6. I.D. cards, the Sec. to contact Vic. Police re the availabity of district officers to sign ID cards as submitted by either RCO’s or DCO’s on behalf of their members. This to relieve the work load on C.T.
      7. Torrumbarry. Sec. To contact G.T. to try and confirm if we have any written authorisation granting the use of this site. The Radio Officer could not proceed until this info was to hand.
      8. The Sec. To recommence the monthly news sheet via the network. The old system of mailing the RCO’s direct failed as no info was passed on in general to the DCO’s, hence the original idea was dropped. The email address should eliminate this point.
    5. Follow up Y2K info to be prepared by Paul and Mark Dods (snr) and be available for Vic. Police no later than the 2nd week Jan. 2001 Moved3BAF/3JM Carried.

  14. Next Meeting: 19th December.

  15. Meeting close 2200hrs.