June 1st 2006, 8:00 pm,
Venue: WIA Rooms, 40G Victory Blvd
Attendance and Apologies
In attendance: John VK3BAF, Gordon VK3FGC, Paul VK3YYF and Gerard VK3GER. Apologies: Mark 3XMU and Bruce 3UV
Minutes of previous meeting. Accepted as presented. Moved Paul 3YYG. Seconded Gordon 3FGC.
Business Arising from Minutes
Arm Bands - XMU – CF (carried forward)
Name Badge Distribution – GER, 12 left to distribute.
Y2K Equipment upgrade application - XDE - CF
6m Radio Bulk Purchase - XDE - CF
Phone callout system - XDE - CF
HF Antenna for MITS tower - BAF – John 3KER has made an NVIS dipole, to remain with the MITS tower trailer.
WIA Affiliation - XMU - CF
Station at ARV Rooms - 3XMU - CF
WICEN Caravan - 3FGC – To go to Ballarat from next meeting. XMU to contact FGC to make arrangements, ie next meeting?
Antennas for Seymour Police Station - 3FGC – Not yet been in contact with Rod Collins.
Slingshots for hoisting antennas – 3BAF to organise
Reflective vests - 3YYF - Waiting for response from supplier on pricing and available sizes. Also placed a request for pricing on uniform items.
Activation Exercise - 3XMU – Glitches in the mass XMS and Voice mail system. Situation is being addressed. Discussion about the possible need for a questionnaire.
Moving Web Server - 3XMU - CF
Tents proposal - 3XMU – CF (3GER: Have since spoken with Carol at the Mallee Rally about the tent used there. Could well be the solution. It came from a supplier of market tents in Bayswater. Would be nice if all divisions had one.)
Mt St Leonard Digipeater - 3XMU & 3XDE – CF.(Very low usage)
Invoice from ACMA for Repeater Licenses
Registration for Caravan E89228 (not seen)
Receipt from Red Cros for $240 Hall Hire
4 x EMA Australian Safer Communities Awards brochures
Australian Journal of Emergency Management May 2006
Repeater licence certificates from ACMA
MDRC Newsletter
Cheque for the MARS Challenge
Treasurer – presented by Paul 3YYF. $15361.54 balance. Seconded 4FGC
Radio - CF
Data - CF
Publications - CF
Training - CF
Property - CF
Membership - CF
Emergency Management Meetings. John 3BAF has received minutes from meeting held late April. 3FGC attended the meeting.
General Business
Review of SOP 3 – Done
3GER: check records available of Quick Response Group against our Database.
Gordon: Can we screen print WICEN on the back of the vests? Paul 3YYG to make enquiries.
Next Meeting - Thursday June 1st 2006
Sop 4 to be discussed.
Meeting Closed 20.55