WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management
June 19th 2001 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday June 19th 2001, 8:00 pm,
Venue: 32 Monash St, Box Hill Sth
- Meeting open
20:00 hrs.
- Attendance;
3BAF, 3FGC, 3XDE, 3XMU, 3ZNT & 3ML.
- Apologies
; 3JM, and 3KPU
- Motion: That the minutes of the last meeting, 20 May 2001, be accepted as amended
Moved 3ML/3XMU. Carried.
- Matters arising
- Location of donated Icom Radios - Existing 70cm repeaters to be replaced. Gippsland, Albury, Hamilton, Mildura. Replacement, pending completion, QTH 3XDE. Discuss with Ken Taylor possibility of Hamilton set to Geelong. Mildura set either relocate to Bendigo (if existing) or write-off. Technical problems with replacement repeaters. Problems with power supplies.
- SOPS changes. - Publications
- Generator Log Books - Publications
- Bright Non-Activation - response from Insp. Hillier - subject closed
- Mount Hickey Site - done.
- Y2K Asset list for Victoria Police - in hand XDE - to inform CoM when complete. A record to be kept. Sec. to speak to 3ZR.
- Correspondence
- Correspondence in:
- Emergency Management Manual update (21/05/20001) - Tabled.
- Letter from WIA Vic. Div. re proposed changes to WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Constitution (25/05/2001) -
- Letter from Inspector Brian Hillier (Victoria Police) re non-activation at Bright (25/05/2001)
- Email from Carol re Cloth Badges (28/05/2001) - check with SA & NSW stock.
- Email from Richard Hoskin re web page changes (30/05/2001) - web site changed.
- Tax Invoice from C & R Printing (01/06/2001) - to 3JM
- Application for refund of imputation credits (01/06/2001) - to 3JM
- Forwarded email from Gerard Werner volunteering as posssible WIA appointee to CoM (04/06/2001) - to General Business.
- Email from Leyland Sawyer acknowledging receipt of letter re Bright non-activation, granting permission to send copy of letter to State Council, and acknowledging that the matter is now closed. (05/06/2001)
- Email from John Kerr re change of email address to vk3baf@jeack.com.au
- Draft Tower Accreditation document from Graeme Tremellen for consideration(15/06/2001)
- Email from Carol Tremellen re SOPs on internet (14/06/2001)
- Expense claim form from Greg Morse for fuel for generator at Mallee Rally (15/06/2001) - 3JM
- $400 donation cheque from M.M.A.L Car Club for Sunraysia Rally (15/06/2001) - 3JM
- Tax seminar advertising (15/06/2001) - 3JM
- Membership application from Graham Beecroft. VK3FLW.
- Motion
that the application from Graham Beecroft be accepted and that membership records be ammended accordingly
Moved 3XMU/3ZNT
- Draft Generator Accreditation document form Graeme Tremellen for consideration - Use SES manual.
- Returned Newsletter addressed to "R2 D3 Emergency Response Officer, Cnr Mair & Doveton Sts Ballarat 3350" (15/06/2001)
- Forwarded email from Paul Whitaker recommending Graeme Beecroft for membership & suggesting that health concerns/disabilities be gathered on membership application (18/06/2001)
- Draft Generator Accreditation document from Graeme Tremellen for consideration (18/06/2001)
- Email request that WICEN cover Graeme Tremellen's email costs with Celestial ($143/Year) (18/06/2001) -
- Motion
That$20 to be allocated to SCO, RCOs & State Officers for personal ISP accounts following submission of expense claim - Sec to inform. Moved 3XMU/3BAF
- Letter from Maroondah Council re 4th Ringwood (East) Scout Hall as possible premises. - 3BAF to contact.
- Email from Graeme Tremellen re trailer authorise action 3XMU
- Cheque from MAD Bike ride
- Cheque from Kenda Bke Rally
- Expense claim from Tremellen. - 3JM
- Account from Vodafone.
- Correspondence Out
- Copy of letter to Leyland Sawyer re Bright non-activation faxed to Inspector Brian Hillier for review. (29/05/2001)
- May Coordinators' Bulletin (31/05/01)
- Letter re Bright non-activation mailed & emailed to Leyland Sawyer after minor modifications by Inspector Brian Hillier (30/05/2001)
- Notification of returned newsletter to Carol Tremellen
- Email to State Council list of text of letter to Leyland Sawyer re Bright non-activation (05/06/2001)
- Email to State Council list of email from Leyland Sawyer acknowledging receipt of CoMs letter re Bright non-activation. (05/06/2001)
- Email to Rod Taylor re moving the vic.wicen.org.au domain to YVGS to avoid management charges (12/06/2001)
- Email to Carol Tremellen confirming that she has been delegated to act on the CoMs behalf regarding the mechanics of membership (18/06/2001)
- Matters Arising from Correspondence
- dealt with
Motion: That the correspondence be noted. 3XMU/3BAF Moved 3XMU/3ZNT Carried
- Reports
- Treasurer
Total Income to date $ 6,781.23
Total Expenses to date $ 9,807.18
Operating Deficit $ 3,025.95
Balance at Bank $
- Motion
: That the Treasurer's Report be received. Moved 3ZNT/3XMU Carried
- Radio -
3XDE - Planning new SES HQ (3FGC to make enquiries re site). Working at SERCC.
- Data -
3XMU - report received from 3XMU - successful Malley Rally. Question re sharing of Ballarat digipeater with state data network discussed. As per requirements of state Data Network node keepers, the node is reqyuired to be operational 24 hrs/day, 365 days/year.
- Publications -
Web page updated - Note new standards
- Training -
nil received
- Property -
nil received
- Membership
- as above in Correspondence
- General Business
- Report received from 3FGC re Emergency Management Course.
- 3BAF re brochure
- Re - nomination of WIA rep. Call for nominations at AGM for subsequent decision by CoM for approval by WIA.
- Motion
that an antenna be purchased for $120 for Kinglake Moved 3XDE/3ML Carried.
Next Meeting July 17, 20.00 at WIA Rooms, Ashburton.
Meeting closed 21.45 hrs