Attendance & Apologies
- Attendance: VK3s FGC (Chair), XDE, YYF, GER, XMU
- Apologies: VK3s BAF, UV
Minutes of previous meetings
Correct date and callsign of VK3YYF in November 2nd Minutes
Moved: VK3XMU, Seconded: VK3YYF, Carried
That the corrected minutes of the November 2nd meeting and minutes of the December 7th meeting are a true and correct record of those meetings
Business Arising from Minutes
- Y2K Equipment upgrade application - 3XDE
First sites about to be upgraded:
- 10-02-2007: Attwood site to be rebuilt including NEW BATTERIES
- 17-02-2007: Kinglake to have new rack installed.
- 24-02-2007: Mt Buninyong to have VHF digipeater, UHF voice repeater, and link to Mt William installed
- 6m Radio Bulk Purchase
- 8 Radios available
- To go to VK3s XMU, UV, CJK, JJB, BXG, GER, DON, & YYF
- 3XDE to be paid in full by WICEN: 8 x $125 = $1000
- Phone callout system - 3XDE to obtain logs of test
- WIA Affiliation - 3XMU to pursue Ewan McLeod
- Station at ARV Rooms - 3XMU to pursue Peter Mill
- WICEN Caravan - 3FGC given pump up mast
- Slingshots for hoisting antennas - 3FGC to send 3XMU copies of exemptions
- Reflective vests - 3YYF - Still being distributed by event commanders
- Tents proposal - 3GER to purchase 1 off 3m x 1.8m tent
- Badges for Esteemed and Long Serving Members - 3XMU - About 8 still to be delivered
- Incoming
- Fires activation travel claims from
- Ed Crain VK3KUC: 736 km, 5 litre, 8 cyl petrol engine
- Bruce Bathols VK3UV: 952 km, 3 litre, 6 cyl diesel engine
- Ray Smith VK3HSR: 1026 km, 2 litre, 4 cyl diesel engine
- Claus Salger VK3AZE: 1112 km, 3.5 litre, 6 cyl petrol engine
- John Weir VK3ZRV: 1532 km, 2.7 litre, 5 cyl diesel engine
- Ken DeSilva VK3FKD: 1115 km, 2.6 litre, 4 cyl petrol engine
- John Brown VK3JJB: 1138 km, 4.2 litre, 6 cyl diesel engine
- Graeme Scott VK2KE: 696 km, 3.8 litre 6 cyl petrol engine
XMU to get remaining claims and other activation related expenses for forwarding to YZP
- Membership Applications from:
- Darren Glasson VK3HEN, recommended by VK3FCLT
- Dirk Versluys VK3FPAJ, recommended by VK3ZRV
- Matthew Bilston VK3SMB, recommended by VK2KE
- Barry Sherwell VK3FKBS, recommended by VK3TKH
- Paul Crossan VK3HRT, recommended by VK3TKH
- John Drago, recommended by VK3TKH
- John Sawyer VK3NPA, recommended by VK3TKH
- Jennifer James VK3JJJ, recommended by VK3TKH
- Brad Alves VK1FRST, recommended by VK3UV
Moved: VK3XDE, Seconded: VK3YYF, Carried:
That Darren Glasson VK3HEN, Dirk Versluys VK3FPAJ, Matthew Bilston VK3SMB, Barry Sherwell VK3FKBS, Paul Crossan VK3HRT, John Drago, John Sawyer VK3NPA, Jennifer James VK3JJJ & Brad Alves VK1FRST be admitted to membership of WICEN (Vic.) Inc.
- Cristmas card from WIA
- Repeater license renewal notice from ACMA for $285.00 - 3XMU Sent exemption letter
- Donation of $250 from Geelong Otway Challenge
- Letter re Emergency Management Discussion Paper - Stage 2 from Department of Justice - to 3FGC
- Letter from Shire of Yarra Ranges re MERO contact info - To 3ZNT
- The Australian Journal of Emergency Management November 2006 issue - 3XMU to read
- Emergency Services Medal nomination information
- Email from SES re IEM course at Cheltenham of March 8 & 9, 2007 - 3ZR & 3UV nominated
- Letter and email from Jim Linton inviting WICEN to participate in the Centre Victoria Radiofest in Kyneton on Sunday April 22nd
- Agreed that WICEN should participate
- There are supposedly some conference stands with 3YD
- 3FGC has conference stands
- MITS tower could be sent
- Tent should be ready
- Caravan may be ready
- 3XMU to contact Jim Linton re participation and free entry for those maning our stand.
- Expense claim from Mark A. Dods VK3XMU to Treasurer
- Outgoing
- IEM Course nominations for Bruce Bathols VK3UV and Mark T. Dods VK3ZR
- Letter to ACMA claiming exemption from repeater license fees
Moved: VK3XMU, Seconded: VK3GER, Carried:
That the incoming correspondence be received and the outgoing confirmed
- Treasurer - 3YYF
- YTD Income: $10,681.44
- YTD Expenses: $10,395.63
- YTD Profit: $285.81
- Balance at Bank 06/02/2006: $15,824.95
Moved: VK3YYF, Seconded: VK3XMU, Carried:
That Treasurers Report be accepted
- Radio - Covered in Business Arising
- Data - 3XMU looking for new Data Officer
- Publications - No Report
- Training - SMR Training conducted in December.
- Property - No Report
- Membership - No Report
- Emergency Management Meetings
General Business
- 'Maintain Safety at an Incident' training
- 3BAF pusuing training with CFA
- 3FGC to inform 3BAF of the course he has been told of.
- WICEN mobile phone plan
- 3BAF will review the plan the WICEN mobile utilises
- Training in conjunction with EMDRC
- 3XMU to liaise with EMDRC President re training
- Eumeralla Scout Camp Tower
- 3XMU sent email by John Collins re tower
- Quoted $20,000 to erect.
- Unsightly latice type tower.
- 3XDE estimated $15,000 to purchase and erect a concrete monopole tower (Mobile phone style)
- CoM therefore recommend the tower be sold as scrap that the purchase and erection of a concrete monopole tower be pursued instead.
- 3XMU to communicate to 3TKH
- Dec 2006/Jan 2007 fires activation - All
- Use of WICEN equipment by DSE
- DSE cannot use equipment because of lack of OH&S procedures
- Suggest DSE OH&S procedures be used as a model for our own
- 3FGC to contact senior DSE fires officers, possibly with referral from Bruce Esplin
- OH&S Procedures for plant & equip
- Formalising roles performed for 2003 & 2007 fires
- Providing assistance for DSE radio contractors
- Admin location
- IT Assetcare boardroom in Mt Waverley ideal
- 3XMU to write to IT Assetcare to formalise verbal arrangements re access, cabling etc
- Admin at private home OK for small scale activation
- SMS system
- Very Effective
- Training of likely users required
- Multiple people need to know how to buy credits
- Recruiting non-members who volunteered
- 3XMU to contact non-members and encourage the to participate/join WICEN
- A debrief needs to be arranged ASAP
Next Meeting - Thursday March 8th, 2006