- Attendance
3FGC, 3BAF, 3JM, 3XMU, 3AHD, 3ZNT & 3ML
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Business Arising from Minutes
- Publicity Brochure - 3XMU - Draft tabled. 3BAF to produce digital photo of plaque.
- Asset Register - 3BAF - Tabled. Needs further culling following Healesville meeting next weekend 3BAF. Fax machine inoperative and to be removed from list. Radio Group to be contacted re co-ax cable.
- Membership Reports - 3BAF - tabled current report.
- Events Committee - 3BAF - Events Application Form requires updating. Simplified form required. Article for News Letter - 3JM/3XMU
- Federal Coordinator - 3BAF & 3XMU - Recommendation to be put to WIA.
- Constitution Changes - 3XMU - Proposed changes to be VIC Div for approval.
- Correspondence
- Incoming
- Vic Roads via 3FGC: Registration for trailer G389371, $28 to Treasurer
- ACA: Acknowledgment of letter re EMR status
- Peter Mill: Re-registration to Membership Officer
- John Collins: re State Council review
- Renta 2 Way Radio: Nov 24-26 rentals bill $158.40 to Treasurer - covered by JLL
- Dept. of Justice: EMInfo periodical to Property Officer for library
- Victoria Police: Christmas card from Murray Adams
- Renta 2 Way Radio: Missing microphone bill $61.60 to Treasurer - covered by JLL
- John Collins: 2 Event applications to State Coordinator - processed - send by Fax and diary entry 3BAF
- ACA: Response to EMR status letter & copy of EMR standard. Standard tabled.
- ACA: Repeater license renewal to Treasurer - paid.
- EMA: Summer 2001-2002 issue of The Australian Journal of Emergency Management - tabled.
- John Kerr phone bill to Treasurer
- Outgoing
- Letter to EMR re recognition as an Emergency Service for the purposes of EMR standard
- Sympathy card to family of the late Barry Lakey VK3BL
- Application form to Victoria Police for copy of photo from page 32 of Sept. 2000 Police Life for publicity brochure
- Letter to Graeme Tremellen re Property Officer's role
- Letter to Peter Cox of Seymour SES re thanks for use of depot and $50 donation
- Letter to Brad Wooding VK3TAE thanking him for tuning the Bendigo 2m repeater
- Letter to Secretary of WIA Vic. Div. suggesting that Vic. Div. recommend that the Federal WIA appoint a Federal WICEN Coordinator.
Motion: That the correspondence be noted. 3XMU/3JM
- Reports
- Treasurer - 3JM
- Total Income to date $ 5,263.69
- Total Expenses to date $ 6,575.91
- Operating Deficit $ 1,312.22
- Balance at Bank $ 11,370.64
- 3ZNT to investigate pre-paid mobile phone account
- 3ZNT - newsletter - email sendout
- Motion: That the Treasurer's Report be received. Moved 3JM/3BAF Carried
- Radio - 3XDE - nil
- Data - 3XMU - nil
- Publications - 3HCE/3XDE - "How to fill in a Log" required - 3XMU
- Training - 3GPT - report tabled
- Property - 3GPT - report tabled. Request for assets to be given a value. 3BAF
- Membership - Membership application received from John Silver VK3HJS
- Motion That the membership of John Silver be accepted 3XMU/3BAF Carried
- Motion That reports be accepted 3FGC/3AHD Carried
- General Business
- Trailable towers - 3JM - No changes - both require work. Offer from Roger to fit cable winder. $1,000 quote to sand blast trailer and winch. Needs rotator, antenna attachment, battery charger - provision for generator. Long term storage location required. All noted. Tarp from 3BAF.
- CoM visits to Regions - 3BAF - Suggestion that CoM reps visit Region/District meetings. List to be considered by Committee meeting in March. Letter to regions in discussion - 3XMU
- March 3BAF interstate.
- Training - 3JM. No adequate training is taking place. Existing events do not provide training. Suggest a WICEN field day. Post on Web page (3XMU). Coordinator and venue to be identified. 3JM to contact LROC re a possible location. Problems should be identified in conjunction with region meetings. To be discussed next meeting
- 3ZNT Re Mt Disappointment. Events Committee to establish policy that events such as Mt Disappointment need to be avoided. No communications were required of WICEN.
- 3ZNT Regular reports. Quarterly reports required from Regions - March. June. September and December.
- 3ZNT - UHF repeaters. Need to set a date on establishment of repeaters. End of financial year - 3XMU.
- 3ZNT - Hamilton repeater. Dingo and 50 ft coax etc. at Ken Taylor's location. 3GPT to process.
- 3BAF - Position of Admin Officer. 3BAF to follow through.
- Next Meeting
Tuesday March 19th 2002, 8:00 pm WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd Ashburton.
- Meeting closed at 20.40