Training Exercise/Field Day - 3XMU presented reports from site coordinators (3XMU, 3FGC, 3CJK)
Insurance - 3XMU reported Certificate of Currency received
Name Badges - 3GER reported by email that stock tags should be printed in about a week.
Region 3 Meeting - 3BAF reported that meeting promoted closer ties with local ARC and recruited a new member who is likely to be willing to take on an admin role in future.
First Aid Kits - Extensive discussion of the desirablility of having things in kits that require qualifications to administer. Decided that all contents should be able to be administered by a non-qualified person. IE not a doctor or pharmacist.
Document Storage - deferred due to lack of key for WIA rooms.
Y2K Equipment upgrade application - 3FGC reported a decision was due yesterday (30-11-2005) but no news yet.
Generator - 3BAF to go ahead with purchase
6m Radio Bulk Purchase - 3XDE has found a radio at an advantageous price and will pursue
SMS facility
3XMU reported no progress
3XDE raised possibility of establishing an automated phone notification system for activations. 3XDE to pursue
HF Antenna for MITS tower - 3BAF reported no progress
Bank account rationalisation - 3YYF produced documents for signatures
WIA Affiliation - 3XMU reported email sent to National WICEN Coordinator.
Property List - 3BAF will obtain
Station at ARV Rooms - 3XMU reported ARV proceeding installation
WICEN Caravan
3BAF to approach 3JM re painting
3XMU to approach 3KIC re level ride fittings
Cheque # 188850 returned from M. Tremellen - To Treasurer
$300 Donation from Geelong Touring Cyclists Inc. (Otway Challenge)
Membership Applications from
David Howe VK3HFQ
Ken Allan VK3YDK
William Collins VK3WJC
Dalwyn Godfrey VK3TYZ
Rhett Donnan VK3HAP
Des Pendergast VK3DMP
Moved: 3FGC, Seconded: 3BAF, Carried: That David Howe VK3HFQ, Ken Allan VK3YDK, William Collins VK3WJC, Dalwyn Godfrey VK3TYZ, Rhett Donnan VK3HAP, & Des Pendergast VK3DMP be admitted to membership of WICEN (Vic.) Inc.
Expense Claims - To Treasurer
Graham Mason VK3KMG - Portable Repeater - $73.46
Mark Dods VK3XMU - Various - $196.47
John Kerr VK3BAF - Travel - 370 Km
Email from ARV Secretary, John Brown 3JJB re station at ARV rooms
MDRC Newsletter - Nov/Dec 2005
Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency (Expires 4:00 PM 01-02-2006)
Field Day reports from Gordon Cornell 3FGC and Chris Morley 3CJK
Geelong Otway Challenge Report from John Collins VK3TKH
2 Emails from Bruce Bathols 3UV re proposed canoe event Feb 25/26 2006
Guide to use of 2 x 5 MHz frequencies from Glenn Dunstan VK4DU via John Weir 3ZRV
Email from John 3ZRV re possible source of 5MHz equipment
Email from Meaghan Kinross OCGC re Commonwealth Games involvement
Email to ARV Secretary , John Brown 3JJB re station at ARV rooms
EMail from SCO John Kerr 3BAF to Meaghan Kinross re Commonwealth Games involvement
Email to National WICEN Coordonator re National WIA affiliation
Balance at bank: $15,374.08
Income for month $85.00
Expenses for month $329.90
Moved: 3YYF, Seconded: 3BAF, Carried: That the Treasurers report be accepted
Radio - XDE
Data - XMU
Publications - 3XDE
Training - 3XDE
Property - 3GPT
Membership - C. Tremellen
Emergency Management Meetings
3BAF attended Moorabin meeting - Ambulance service mobile hospital displayed
3BAF attended Case meeting - Commonwealth games us of Lysterfield Lake park discussed