Attendance & Apologies
- Attendance: VK3s GER, XDE, FGC, BAF, XMU, YYF
- Apologies: VK3UV
Minutes of previous meetings
Moved: VK3XMU, Seconded: VK3FGC, Carried:
That the minutes of the previous meeting are a true and correct record of that meeting
Business Arising from Minutes
- Y2K Equipment upgrade
- 2 Sites ready for installtion
- 4 in progress
- 2 still to be addressed
- 6m Radio Bulk Purchase
- 2 Units provided for distribution
- Phone callout system
- 3XDE to get logs of trial
- WIA Affiliation
- 3XMU to pursue at Parkes WIA AGM
- Station at ARV Rooms
- 3XMU to pursue at Parkes WIA AGM
- WICEN Caravan
- Slingshots for hoisting antennas
- 3FGC to provide 3XMU with documentation
- Tents proposal
- Tent obtained
- To be utilised at Centre Victoria Radiofest
- Fires activation claims
- Rates provided by 3YZP
- 3XMU to prepare claim
- 'Maintain Safety at an Incident' training
- May 7 or 11, CFA Tally Ho, 09:30 - 15:30, up to 15 participants
- Agreed May 11
- 3XMU to publicise
- WICEN mobile phone plan
- After review decided to stay as is with pre paid
- Training in conjunction with EMDRC
- 3XMU to speak about WICEN at meeting on April 20
- Liaison with DSE - 3FGC
- OH&S Procedures for plant & equip
- Formalising roles performed for 2003 & 2007 fires
- Providing assistance for DSE radio contractors
- Admin location
- 3XMU corresponded with IT Assetcare Pty Ltd confirming availability of boardroom
- 3XMU to prepare procedure for activation
- SMS system - 3XMU
- Deferred to end of meeting
- Recruiting non-members who volunteered - 3XMU
- Centre Victoria Radiofest - 3XMU
- April 22nd, Kyneton
- WICEN to provide display: Tent, photo boards, MITS tower, Portable voice and packet repeaters
- 3XMU to do 'mini presentation'
- 3XDE to provide UHF repeater & DC connectors
- Fires Debrief
- Letters sent to those activated soliciting comments
- VK3AZE Injury
- 3XMU to liaise with Claus
- Wearing of WICEN Badges
- 3XMU to provide 3FCLT with diagram of how badges should be worn
- Incoming
- Letters re Esteemed Member/Long Service badges from Ken Taylor & David Scott
- Letter to ITAC seeking confirmation of permission to utilise premises for Admin
- Alan Weeks' funeral order of service, obituary and thank you card from Liz Weeks
- Invitation to Oxfam Trailwalker VIP Breakfast
- Letter from Red Cross re staffing of Marathon in the event of WICEN being activated
- Letter from Federal Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs informing us our application for funding for reflective vests was unsuccessful.
- emINFO Summer 2006 - 07, Issue 19
- Invoice from SES for 3UV & 3ZR attendance at IEM course: $176 - To Treasurer
- Registration for trailer reg no P06528: $33.70 - To Treasurer
- Expense claim from VK3XMU re photo boards for Centre Victoria Hamfest - To Treasurer
- Invoice for $93.72 for UHF colinear antenna and fittings from Weeks Radio. (Delivered to 3FCLT 03-03-2007) - To Treasurer
- Copy of letter from Peter Weeks to John Newlands SES re fires activation
- Rates for claiming travel expenses from DSE from Peter Weeks.
- Membership application from David Lydford VK3FDGL recommended by 3YZP
Moved: VK3BAF, Seconded: VK3FGC, Carried:
That David Lydford VK3FDGL be admitted to membership of WICEN (Vic.) Inc.
- Oxfam Trailwalker logs from 3BXG - To 3ZNT
- NAB Volunteer Awards application information
- 3XMU to ask 3ZRV about NERG member who is good at obtaining grants
- Outgoing
- 2 x Email to Peter Mill re station at ARV rooms. Copied to ARV President
- Public Liability Insurance renewal forms & cheque for premium ($227.04) to WIA
- Letter from ITAC confirming permission to utilise premises for Admin
- Letters to non-WICEN amateurs who volunteered for fires re membership
- Letter to VK3HSR and email to remainder of operators activated for fires seeking debrief type comments
Moved: VK3XMU, Seconded: VK3GER, Carried:
That the incoming correspondence be accepted and the outgoing confirmed.
- Treasurer - 3YYF
- YTD Income: $12,502.52
- YTD Expenses: 13,255.10
- YTD Loss: $752.58
- Balance at Bank: $14,786.56
Moved: VK3XMU, Seconded: VK3GER, Carried:
That the Treasurers Report be accepted.
- Radio - See Business Arising
- Data - No report
- Publications - No report
- Training - See Business Arising
- Property - No report
- Membership - 3FCLT
- Gerard Warrillow VK3JPA recommended for membership by 3ZRV
Moved: VK3FGC, Seconded: VK3XMU, Carried:
That Gerard Warrillow VK3JPA be admitted to membership of WICEN (Vic.) Inc.
- Emergency Management Meetings
- 3BAF to attend Cardinia tabletop exercise in June
- 3FGC to attend upcoming Ballarat & Moorabool meetings
General Business
- Trapped Dipoles for Murray Marathon
- Proposed WICEN Lanyards
- OH&S risk: choking
- Members would probably wear the favourite anyway
- Non-uniformity not of great concern
- Agreed to stay with clip on IDs only
Next Meeting - Thursday May 10th, 2007, WIA Rooms, 40G Victory Blvd, Ashburton
3XMU Demonstration use of, and purchasing of credit for the SMS notification system.