WICEN (Vic.) Inc. Committee of Management

Minutes of Meeting

Thursday April 1st, 2004, 20:05 hours
Venue: WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd Ashburton.

  1. Attendance: Gordon 3FGC, Gerard 3GER, John 3BAF, Mark 3XMU and Alan 3ML

  2. Apologies Andrew 3HFT

  3. Minutes of previous meeting:

    1. Motion. That the Minutes of the meetings of February and March 2004, as amended, be received as a true record.

Moved, Mark 3XMU seconded John 3FGC

  1. Motion that Bruce 3UV be recommended to the WIA as an appointee to this committee.

Moved Gordon 3FGC seconded Gerard 3GER

  1. Business Arising from Minutes

    1. Fire debrief notes - now available on website.

    2. Yumeralla - no progress

    3. Police stations installations - deferred

    4. Region 3 RCO - 3BAF progressing matter

    5. Web site updating - no further progress

    6. VPC Site agreement 3XDE - deferred

    7. Mt Bunninyong site agreement 3XDE - deferred

    8. Minimum equipment list for QRG operations 3XDE - deferred

    9. Call out procedure 3XDE 3ML -deferred

    10. Prototype ID Cards - 3XMU demonstrated draft.

    11. AGM location - Red Cross Ringwood - in hand

    12. Federalisation of WIA - 3XMU reported back. Noted draft constitution is on web. 3XMU to progress

  2. Correspondence

    1. Incoming

      1. MAD Bike Ride - $450 donation received.

      2. Invoice for Trailer Registration to Treasurer for $31.40

      3. Newsletters received from FAMPARC for March/April

      4. Invitation for 3ZNT to attend Oxfam Trailwalkers VIP Breakfast - attended by 3XMU

      5. Letter of resignation received from Derek Steenholdt VK3KDS

      6. Letter from R4D1 Coordinator re Diamond Creek Emergency Complex noting need for antenna cabling to be labeled. Contractors to action.

    2. Outgoing


Motion That the incoming correspondence be received. Moved Mark 3XMU seconded Gordon 3FGC

  1. Reports

    1. Treasurer’s Report received in absentia. - 3HFT

YTD 12/2/04 Income $7665.88

Expense $13,171.32

Income/Expense $ 5,505.44

Balance $ ???

    1. Motion That the Finance Report be accepted

Moved Gerard 3GER seconded Gordon 3FGC

    1. Radio -

      1. 3XDE - nil

    2. Data - 3XMU - nil

    3. Publications - 3XDE - nil

    4. Training - 3XDE - nil

    5. Property - 3GPT - nil

    6. Membership - Carol Tremellen - nil

  1. General Business

    1. Proposed purchase of catering caravan from VK3KIC. Drivers should have relevant towing experience. Suggestion trailer be located at QTH 3YD. 3XMU to examine.

    2. WICEN Arm bands - Pending.

    3. Modification to RACV trailer - 3BAF - carried out.

Motion Invoice approved Mark 3XMU seconded John 3BAF

    1. 3FGC - application for Mars Challenge

    2. 3FGC - DSE maps www. dse.gov.au - Online services

    3. 3GER - Location of new message pads clarified

    4. Guidelines for Bruce re resorts on broadcast.

    5. Proposal that WICEN bulk purchase GPS units. - to be considered.

    6. 3XMU - HF frequencies. To write article for AR explaining frequency allocation. 3XMU to encourage participation in Tuesday WICEN HF Net from Mildura and NE.

    7. 3BAF noted that event applications are required to use the pro-forma. Also 3XMU should be notified for about any event application approvals so as to make the calendar adjustments.

    8. Following negative comments re the quality of Attwood transmissions 3 BAF has monitored the broadcasts. All frequencies good. 3XMU to consult 3ZR.

  1. Next Meeting
    Thursday May 6th, 2000, Venue: WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd Ashburton.