General Business
- Publications
- Generator Log Books
Generator Log books to have changes from State Council incorporated
- SOPS changes
'Authorisation' of SOPs changes withdrawn
Changes to progress as per form submitted by 3XMU
- Non-Activations: Bright & Tanjil Bren
- 3FGC spoken by phone to Superintendent Adams, the State Emergency Response Officer giving him notification that a detailed letter is to follow
- 2GBZ and 3KME asked for details of non-activations for inclusion in letter to Superintendent Adams
- 3FGC to pursue re-inclusion of briefing by WICEN in Police Emergency Coordination course.
- Agreed that RCOs and DCOs are to contact the CoM via mobile phones or pagers immediately they become aware that a local Police coordinator has declined to activate WICEN. The CoM will then take the matter up with the State Emergency Response Officer.
- Secretary to email RCOs and DCOs reminding them that they or their Liason Officers should be 'selling' themselves to other agencies, including the Police at regional emergency management meetings conducted by local councils.
- Submission to WIA re Constitution Changes
- 3JM to email draft letter to 3XMU for modification
- AGM Proxy form to remain part of constitution
- Casual CoM Vacancies
- SCO vacancy due to resignation of 3FGC to be filled by 3BAF
- Resulting State Secretary vacancy to be filled by 3XMU
- Resulting State Ordinary Member vacancy to be filled by 3ZNT
- 3FGC to remain State Liaison Officer
- Motion: "That the casual vacancies be filled as listed above"
Moved: 3FGC, Seconded: 3JM - Carried
- 3KPU indicated his intention to resign as Deputy State Coordinator due to work commitments as soon as a suitable replacement is found
- Rally of Melbourne
- 3BKR is now Rally of Melbourne (ie not WICEN) Communications Coordinator
- 3XDE will coordinate WICEN Infrastructure
- 3XMU will coordinate WICEN Data
- 3GPT will coordinate WICEN Recruiting
- WICEN Stage commanders will conduct recruiting for their stage
- WICEN NCS commander to be appointed
- WICEN NCS commander to recruit NCS operators
- Exercise Planning
3FGC to document the training he attended on planning exercises
- Mount Hickey Site
- WICEN to provide side mount 2m antenna for installation on Mount Hickey
- 3XDE to arrange antenna
- 3YZP to mount
- Feedline to be provided by WICEN
- RCOs & DCOs Seminar 3XMU reported on progress of arrangements for Seminar. All progressing well.
- EMR Regulations
3KPU to investigate the effect the new EMR Regulations will have on WICEN operations. 10. Meeting Closed 10:25 pm.
Next Meeting
Sunday May 15th 2001, 20.00 at WIA Rooms, Victory Blvd. Ashburton